Go camping on weekends
Camping is a fun and adventurous activity for anyone who loves the outdoors. There are quite a number of things which one wouldn’t be able to do anywhere else but on a camping trip.
Camping trips offer a mix of adventure and fun with activities such as hiking, watching the sun rise and set and taking pictures of these moments, hunting and watching the starry sky.
Camping trips can also be planned according to one’s specification with options such as solo trips and group trips. Different camping grounds also exude unique appeals.
When one considers going camping, they tend to only bother about is their ability to cope in the outdoors. However, camping requires much more consideration than one’s coping ability. Every detail of a camping trip requires appropriate planning and consideration. We have put some tips together which cover essential aspects of camping trip towards ensuring your camping trips always are executed properly.

Tips for staying in the outdoor
Outdoor environments contrast the average indoor environment. Thus, campers, especially beginner campers need essential skills to survive in the outdoors, even though the camping trip is a short one. Probably the most essential outdoor skill for camping is the tent pitching skill.
The tent is place of abode of the camper, providing shelter, and should be properly built to enable it serve its purpose. Irrespective of the type or size of tent, it is always advisable to practice pitching the tent before heading to the camping site. That way, one would be able to pitch their tent in the shortest time possible at the campsite.

Proper placement of the tent at the camping site is also essential. As regards the placement of the tent, it is advised that one seeks a land with a mix of features that could be described as a bed.
Particularly stony areas are not ideal for pitching tents. It is also important to mention that a tarp under the tent is a necessity to prevent waterlogging of the tent and any other form of damage.
Other essential outdoor survival skills include knowing how to read a map and use a GPS compact. Even the most experienced campers need to know how to properly read a map as well as us a GPS compact as it’s easy to get lost in the woods.
Other important basic outdoor skills which every camper needs include the knowledge of tying knots, building fires and sharpening utility knives. To enjoy maximum comfort as well as protection from the elements, it is also necessary to opt for layered clothing.
What you need for a weekend camping
It is essential to pack the necessary items for any trip and this also applies to camping trips. Here are essential items which you would need on a weekend camping trip.
- The most basic items are the tarp, the sleeping bag and the tent
- Cooking utensils and appliances such as pots, pans and waterproof materials for starting a fire
- Large quantity of water
- Notable length of rope and a utility knife
- A lot of clothing
- Soap and hand sanitizer
- Other necessary items according to one’s preference such as a hiking equipment, a telescope and fishing equipment.
- A cooler for storage of food and drink items
Food preparation while on a camping trip
How to get and prepare food in any camping trip is an issue which must be considered. Although one can cook while on a camping trip, heavy cooking may not be appropriate hence the importance of packing stored forms of food. Foods that can be cooked on a camping trip include those that can be easily prepared such as pasta, oatmeal, ground beef and beans. Peanut butter and chicken could also be taken on a camping trip.
As regards the preservation of food for the length of a 2-day camping trip, coolers such as the LUNCIA cooler are most appropriate. This cooler has notable features that reflect its suitability for camping trips.
Firstly, it is lightweight with handles and a strap that notably enhance its portability. It is also noteworthy that the cooler has insulation abilities for 2 days meaning that one can store food items in the cooler for the entire length of a weekend camping trip. The airtight zipper of the cooler as well as the high-density foam keep stored item in the best condition preventing the loss of cold air.
The LUNCIA cooler also has waterproof exterior and a scratch-resistant exterior. The materials that cover the interior as well as the exterior of the cooler are also very durable. The cooler is also very functional as it has features such as a back pocket with a waterproof zipper, hitch bands, a bungee cord and adjustable straps.
LUNCIA cooler is designed for use on individual as well as group campaign trips as its 30-can capacity can cater to the needs of up to 4 individuals.
A cooler is an essential item for camping trips, and LUNCIA cooler is a great option for camping.
Weekend camping trips are sure to be fun when the necessary preparations as per this article, according to one’s scope, are made.